Most Effective Control
For both Fleas and Fungus Gnats:
Predator Nematode “Double-Death” Mix!

   Our popular mix of two Predator Nematodes species to cover a wider range of soil depth preference.

Upper 3 Inches of Soil Media:
Steinernema Species
Top 3 to 6 Inches of Soil Media:
Heterorhabditis Species

   “Double-Death” Predator Nematodes are some of the most useful pest controls to come along in years. They attack and kill more than 250 different insects, including Fleas, Thrips, Fungus Gnats, even insects as large as Cutworms! Nearly any insect that spends a part of its lifecycle in the soil is likely prey for “Double-Death” Predator Nematodes.

Application: “Double-Death” Predator Nematodes come packaged on a small piece of synthetic sponge that you rinse out in water. Then use any type of watering can or sprayer to apply them to the soil. The pressure of passing through a sprayer nozzle won’t faze them in the slightest. Each package of one million “Double-Death” Predatory Nematodes treats up to 2,500 square feet of soil surface. For best results make repeat applications every 4-6 weeks throughout the season when soil temperatures are between 50° F. & 85° F. and target pests are present.

Insects Known To Be Controlled By “Double – Death” Predator Nematodes

Predatory Nematodes are an effective control for literally hundreds of pest insects that have a life stage in the soil. This is a partial list of the more common species “Double-Death” Predator Nematodes are known to control:


Banded Cucumber Beetle, Bark Beetle, Click Beetle, Colorado Potato Beetle, Checkered Beetle, Flea Beetle, Japanese Beetle, June Beetle, Leaf Beetle, Mexican Bean Beetle, Pine Beetle, Powder Post Beetle, Scarab Beetle, Southern Pine Beetle, White Fringed Beetle


European Corn Borer, Onion Borer, Round Headed Borer, Wood Borer


Field Cricket, Morman Cricket


Black Fly, Crane Fly, Fruit Fly, Saw Fly


Carpenter Moth, Codling Moth, Gypsy Moth, Meal Moth, Oriental Fruit Moth, Pine Tip Moth, Winter Moth


Banana Root Weevil, Boll Weevil, Cane Weevil, Corn Root Weevil, Pecan Weevil, Pine Weevil, Rice Weevil, Strawberry Root Weevil


Army Worms, Cabbage Worm, Corn Earworms, Cutworms, Fall Army Worm, Hornworm, Meal Worm, Measuring Worm (Loopers), Melon Worm, Pink Bollworm, Potato Tubeworm, Sod Webworm, Southern Rootworm, Spruce Budworm, Tobacco Budworm, Tobacco Hornworm, Webworms, Wireworms


Algae Gnats, Apple Leaf Roller, Assassin Bugs, Bean Leaf Roller, Billbugs, Cabbage Aphid, Cabbage Looper, Chinch Bugs, Cotton Stainer, Fungus Gnats, Gall Midges, Gall Gnats, German Cockroaches, Grasshoppers, Imported Fire Ants, Lacewings, Leaf Skeletonizer, Leather Jackets, Pear Aphids, Red Bugs, Seed Corn Maggot, Squash Bugs, Sting Bugs, Termite, Thrips, White Grubs, Yellow Fever Mosquito

As you can see, this is quite a list! This is only the insects known to have been controlled by “Double-Death” Predatory Nematodes, and many more probably are controlled by predator nematodes, if they have a life stage in the soil.

“Double-Death” Predatory Nematodes can survive over a wide temperature range (32 – 90 F.), but are most effective as an insect control at soil temperatures of 50 -85 F. Apply “Double-Death” Predatory Nematodes every 4-6 weeks throughout the season when soil temperatures are in this range. For insects that emerge in Spring and return in the Fall, Springtime and Fall applications are most effective, timed for when the soil temperature is about 50 – 55 F. both times. Use One Million “Double-Death” Predatory Nematodes to treat up to 3,000 square feet of soil surface.

Order NOW Double-Death Predator Nematodes

One Million Treats to 3,000 sq. feet of surface area; six million treats to 18,000′; they’ll store in refrigerator up to two months.

   Handy Hint: If you have two greenhouses – one with a pest infestation and the other without – either do all your work in the “clean” greenhouse first, then move to the infested greenhouse; or treat both with the appropriate Hired Bugs.